About DTI
DTI University (former Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom) has operated as a private university for fifteen years. Gradually, it has profiled itself as an educational institution, which currently offers attractive Bachelor, Master and Doctoral study programmes that are in demand in the labour market. These study programmes are focused on teacher training, economics and management. The “interdisciplinarity” of provided education represents a competitive advantage for the University’s graduates and increases their employability in the labour market. DTI University also offers rigorous procedures with the opportunity to earn the degrees of PaedDr. and PhDr. In the field of study Field Didactics, it has been granted the right to carry out habilitation procedures and procedures to obtain the scientific-pedagogical degree of Professor. Within its lifelong learning activities, the University offers supplementary pedagogical studies for instructors of vocational training and teachers of vocational subjects, a range of forms of continuous education for teachers, and – as a part of professional education – also an opportunity to earn the prestigious degrees of MBA, DBA and LL.M.
Full-time and external forms of study in all study programmes are realized by applying the method of blended learning, i.e. one part of education is institution-based with a direct contact between teachers and students and the other part is realized by means of the modern method of distance learning, when direct face-to-face contact is replaced by communication mediated by digital technologies. Blended learning helps create favourable conditions even for those students who are currently employed and prefer independent learning.
In the academic year 2021/2022, DTI University offers Bachelor, Master and Doctoral study programmes.
Bachelor Study Programmes
- Teaching of Practical Training for full-time and external students in the field of study: Teaching and Educational Sciences.
In the study program, the common basic subjects provide all students with knowledge from the fields of pedagogy and psychology. Differentiation of studies starts from the second year of studies when students choose optional subjects within three field specializations: electrical engineering, economics and administration, and engineering, which enable them to gain necessary knowledge and skills in the particular professional field in compliance with the graduate profile.
- Teaching of Practical Training in Economic Subjects for full-time and external students in the field of study: Teaching and Educational Sciences.
The study programme is focused on preparing qualified teachers especially for the field of practical vocational training in vocational school.
- for full-time and external students in the field of study: Economics and Management.
The study programme provides theoretical and practical training for the position of a junior manager. The graduates of the study programme are prepared to hold a job position in the divisions of planning, human resources, finances, financial economic analyses, production and logistics, accounting, informatics and controlling.
- Service Management in Automotive Industry for full-time and external students in the field of study: Economics and Management.
The study programme contributes to the development of students’ knowledge in management and economics with an emphasis placed on modern trends in management with a specific focus on the field of automotive industry.
The standard length of study in all Bachelor study programmes is 3 years for full-time students and 4 years for external students.
Master Study Programmes
- Teaching Economic Subjects for full-time and external students in the field of study: Teaching and Educational Sciences. The standard length of study is 2 years for full-time students and 2.5 years for external students.
The study programme enables students to widen and deepen the knowledge they have gained in Bachelor study programmes Teaching of Practical Training in Economic Subjects, Teaching of Practical Training, or in a related study programme. The graduates of the study programme develop knowledge of the disciplines of their professional specialization but also knowledge from theory of vocational education, pedagogical and psychological subjects, their skills in field didactics of economic subjects, methodology of science, educational research, etc.
- for full-time and external students in the field of study: Economics and Management. The standard length of study is 2 years for full-time students and 2.5 years for external students.
The study programme provides students with opportunities for widening and deepening their knowledge acquired in the Bachelor study programme Management. Master Management programme graduates have complex and cross-sectional knowledge from organizational (firm, institution) management, are able to navigate in an international environment, think economically, and anticipate new phenomena and tendencies. They can identify, analyse, and evaluate problems and processes in mutual relations in the overall context of the organization and the surrounding environment.
Doctoral Study Programme
- Didactics of Technical Vocational Subjects for full-time and external students in the field of study: Field Didactics. The standard length of study is 3 years for full-time students and 4 years for external students.
The study programme builds on the second level of higher education in teacher training programmes focused on teaching technical and vocational subjects and technical engineering study programmes, the graduates of which have taken part in teacher training.
Within the educational part of the doctoral study programme Didactics of Technical Vocational Subjects, an emphasis is placed on mastering the modern trends in the fields of general didactics, theory and policy of vocational training, technologies and humanization, and psychology, but also on gaining sufficient knowledge and skills to carry out valid and reliable educational research.
In the scientific part of the study programme, an emphasis is placed on conducting pedagogical research on current scientific issues in the field of didactics, the results of which should be presented on scientific conferences and in scientific monographs, journals, books of proceeding both in Slovakia and abroad. Doctoral students also actively participate in solving research projects as members of teams of investigators.